? ??????????????Heart Attack? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.0 (1 Rating)??6 Grabs Today. 342 Total Grabs. ????
??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Chanel (New)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??6 Grabs Today. 1602 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Life Goes On? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.3 (4 Rating CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

gymnastics meet.

hello! it's Rachel and I'm going to talk about the gymnastics meet I had. so first I will tell you it was my state meet and they were scoring really crazy and they gave me a 77.5 on bars and my mom said it was my best bars. i mean what kind judge is that?! I pretty much always get nines on floor but i got a 8.875! On vault i got a 8.529 but thats pretty good for me now best for last. on beam i got a 9.075. thats only my second time getting a nine on beam. we got first plasae team! YEAH!!!!!! my mom said i did really good. now no more meets June!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm bored

Hello It's Rachel!!! And i haven't posted for a long time so I'm going to tell you random stuff. so i will tell you about school. Well it is not very exiting,its boring and that's all i have to say about school. Now i will talk about family. My mom is out of town, and every thing else is the same. but one thing i hate it when my mom is gone because my dad is always late, and sometimes he forgets to think!!!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Hello people!Whats up!? I'm going to be talking about my brother, Josh! He is an awsome dude!Here are good things then bad things.these are good things:He is a great baby sitter. He is a great brother. now a bad thing: sometimes he starts fights. but other then that he is a great brother.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Hello again! It's me ,Rachel! so I'm going to talk about my sister, Amelia. she is a awesome sister. here are good things and then bad things after. So i will start with good things: she helps me when i need it, she is a great sister. now bad things: she does alot of bulying to me, and sometimes she make trouble. Amelia is a nice sister. I love her.

Spring Brake!

Hi people ! whats up!? so i 'm going to be talking about Spring brake. So i have 2 weeks off. It started yeserday. i'm thinking we are going to go to my anut's house and hang out for a little while. Then I have gymnatics at 4:00 to 7:30. Then on Tuseday we do nothing. Wednesday gymnatics. Thurseday drive around. Friday gymnatics. Then the next week happends.and the same thing happends again. I'm so glad we have spring brake!


Hello people! this is my sister and she is 13. She is crazy! she is a nice sister. She is the best sister you could have! But somtimes she can get a little grouchy. So ok now here are some good things:She is really nice, She helps me with stuff, she does not bother me when i don't need her. And some badthings are really nothing. N ow that might seem weird but there is nothing that she does to make us mad. So she is a really great sister. Well I am going to go now. BYE!!


Hello people! It's me again!!!!!!!!!And i want to talk about Lilly. My cute sister but evil sister.ya so Abby has really gotten into taking pictures lately. So she has takin pictures of random people, alot of lilly, and any other thing you could think of. so ya i put a picture of lilly on here becuse i want to post about lilly. I going to say she is a cute sister, she's funny , and thats just becuse she is little. so another thing is she is a great sister to have. now the bad things are: she is a really big brat, she looses my stuff., she just drives us crazy! Oh my gosh! sometimes i wish she never had lilly. But i love her. Well somtimes!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

the most biggest brat ever!

Hello! It's me again! And I just wanted to tell you how much this little girl is a brat. Her name is Lilly. And she has been a really big trouble maker lately. Oh my gosh! She drives us crazy!!!!!!For example: She has been getting though my stuff and looseing it. 2nd she said she wanted to paint her nails and we say no but she just goes along and does it. Then She spills the hole bottle of it.then we have to pick it up. 20 minutes latter the mess is picked up. Lilly is the biggest brat ever!

My favorite candy

Hi people!!!I'm back! And we are going to be talking about my favorite candy! I now it is really random just i'm bord so i'm posting about this. So my favorite candy would be lickorish. Thats why i have a picture of it. So i wonder what your favorite candy is. Well BYE!

My 4ht post on the first day i started!

So I gotten into posting since i started. I have been posting alot today. And i only started today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my 4th post today. Since i have started i have gotten alot of veiwers too. But i am lots of them. Ok i am going to go now! BYE!


Hello people. so i have been spending some time with my lovely cousins lately. And it is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!! I have alot of fun! So over spring brake i will be with them and it will be fun!

Hi people! Whats up?!?

Hello peoples of the world ! How are you? Becuse i'm doing great! So have anything changed around your live?! Becuse mine is just the same. Since everything is the same it is still really boring.ok so i'm going to go now so BYE!

I made a new blog, and i love it!

So i haven't been around the blog world for the longest time ever! I haven't posted anything since 2008 in August 25Th Now thats a long time!!! I even look alot different.